Alaska’s Most Unique Destination
Come enjoy Alaska history in one of the most unique visitor park and Alaskana Museum. Enjoy unusual exhibits and enjoyable activities for visitors of all ages: skee-ball, bouncy house, mini golf, tetherball, wack-a-mole, cotton candy and much, much more. An experience not to be forgotten.
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New in 2025 Free Park Admission
Mukluk Land is now a 501c3 non profit organization. This conversion came as an answer to prayer for Mrs. Beth, as she wanted to retire but didn’t want to let the dream of her late husband just fade away. The people of Tok were also distraught hearing the news of the possible closing of Mukluk Land. God had a plan for a someone to take over Mukluk Land. That someone ended up being the Woodrum’s.
2025 is going to be a big year at Mukluk as we celebrate 40 years with the Jacobs family and introduce new and wonderful exhibits. We want Mukluk to remain a pilar in the community as well as a rest haven for those traveling the famous Alaskan Highway. We want to share love and hope to the community and to the world therefore Mukluk Missions at Mukluk Land was born. If you would like to help with the mission of Mukluk Land we would love for you to join us. There are three main ways you can help first we need lots of boots on the ground sprucing up the park, second we need funds to help with cost of supplies, third we need your prayers. Pray that we will always be found doing God’s will here in Tok and glorify him.